My interest in Anesthesia began serendipitously. Throughout pre-clerkship, we were allowed to shadow physicians to learn about their various specialties. By the middle of my second year of medicine, and even though I had followed several physicians, I still had not discovered a field that fully complemented my needs and abilities. Because XXXX University does not have a mandatory clinical rotation in anesthesia, I decided to work with a pediatric anesthesiologist. I was immediately intrigued by this highly diversified and technical profession and was eager to gain more exposure to this field of medicine.
Although my desire to become an anesthesiologist occurred by chance, my elective experiences have strongly reinforced this decision. Currently, I have completed two anesthesia electives, one in pediatric anesthesia and the other in adult anesthesia. As a result of these practical experiences, I have gained valuable skills in this field. I have also arranged a two-week elective in adult anesthesia at the University of and a two-week elective in intensive care at the University of to diversify my practical experiences further.
One of the appeals of anesthesia for me is the satisfaction I gain in participating in the correction of medical problems and instantly seeing the outcome. For example, we can alleviate a patient's pain through regional anesthesia, intubate patients in life-threatening situations and establish vascular lines in often very challenging conditions. I also appreciate the multitude of career options that exist within the field of anesthesia. This specialty offers the opportunity to learn many aspects of medicine and surgery and to manage a wide array of medical conditions, from obstetrics to intensive care to the operating room.
I believe that my personal traits also make me extremely well suited to a career in anesthesia. I am outgoing and respond with a level-headed approach to demanding situations. I can effectively communicate my ideas to co-workers, as exemplified by my involvement in the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee throughout medical school. These personal qualities help me to relieve some of the pre-operative tension that my patients experience.
I also have a strong interest in scientific research. I conducted several studies on gene expression associated with hepatocellular carcinoma for my honors project and during medical school. Further, I have conducted clinical research on the thromboembolic disease in cancer patients. These experiences helped me develop my ability to multitask and appreciate the necessity for attention to detail. Several of the results of my research have been successfully submitted for publication in the areas of hepatology, hematology and oncology. I have also participated in poster presentations for the American Society of Hematology (Florida) and the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (Boston) and I have attended the National Conference on Viral Hepatitis (Toronto) hosted by the Canadian Liver Foundation.
Despite my extensive time commitment to research, I also recognize the importance of participating in extracurricular activities to maintain a balanced outlook on life. Living on the island of Java has given me respect and curiosity about the vastness of the ocean and its underwater life. As a result, I became certified as an advanced SCUBA diver in September 2002. During my certification, the various gas laws and changes in physiology associated with SCUBA diving further increased my interest in the basic principles of anesthesia.
In closing, I would like to reiterate my desire for a career in anesthesia, which would start with a successful match in the program at your institution. I appreciate the time and effort involved in your consideration.