I firmly believe that some people have their destinies mapped out for them at a very young age. Some would call this fate, but I prefer to see it as a calling that is at once an absolute and unquestionable path that we are destined to follow. I was born in Calcutta, India, and there, my story may have ended had it not been for my father and his job as an army doctor. Since his position meant that he was posted regularly, my siblings and I grew up in various cities all over India. We were able to witness at firsthand the sometimes massive disparity in wealth and living conditions which, more often than not, were reflected in the quality and availability of primary healthcare.
Through my father, I realized the opportunities I could have by following a medical career. Through my own experiences, as I grew to adulthood, I saw why this particular path would be so important to me. I had found my vocation, and having finished High School in New Delhi; I immediately enrolled in Medical school. So began the long journey that has led me to who and where I am today.
Currently, I hold the position of Cardiology Research Registrar at the XXXX Hospital, Blackpool, UK, where I have been for the past two years. I first came to the UK in 2004 because I was looking to broaden my experience and knowledge before I felt I was in a strong enough position to be able to choose my specialty. I left India having to complete my internship at some of the best teaching hospitals in the country. This gave me the confidence and maturity to feel capable of pursuing my career abroad.
It is now time for me to make the most crucial step of all, as I have decided that I want to specialize in Cardiology. I have always wanted to enter this field, ever since I was first in medical school, and I have made my choice of previous studies with the aim of one day making this my specialty. I have achieved an excellent broad-based knowledge of general medicine, which has covered not only Cardiology but also Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Renal medicine, and Respiratory medicine, among others. This enabled me to complete MRCP (UK) successfully.
My current job in Cardiology Research has afforded me the chance to see all aspects of this exciting field, both clinically and, equally important, on the research side. I work in a very active research unit involved in various clinical trials in cardiovascular medicine. From these studies, I intend to publish a series of case reports which I then want to follow up with a more intense research program in the area of interventional cardiology. On the practical side, my job has enabled me to accrue a lot of hands-on experience that will be very important in developing my future career. I have been involved in over four hundred cardiac catheterization procedures both as a primary and secondary operator and am very proficient at diagnostic angiograms. I carry out a weekly transthoracic echo session, and I assist my consultant in regular transoesophageal echo sessions. In addition to this, I also do a weekly cardiology outpatient clinic which I find highly rewarding because it is through direct contact with his patients that a physician finds the actual rewards for his efforts.
When all is said and done, the most critical task for a doctor in any field is to restore his patient to health. With cardiology, this is often a complex and life-threatening proposition. A highly skilled physician can often relieve suffering and bring his patient back to health. I believe that a truly great physician needs to be able to go further than this. It is through his dealings with his patients and their families that he is really able to bring reassurance and offer the hope that is so often lacking. Honesty and integrity make me a good physician. Compassion, understanding, and humanity are the qualities I strive for in all situations so that I can really begin to heal my patients.
These caring skills are a fundamental necessity if one is committed to becoming a truly outstanding physician. I was lucky enough to have experienced first-hand just how hard these can be to acquire, but I also learned just how important they are when dealing with the sick and the suffering. During my internship in Community Medicine in New Delhi, I visited the various slum areas to provide primary health care to those who otherwise had no access to even the most rudimentary treatment. Along with several hospital nurses, I took a mobile clinic into these areas, equipped with essential medicines and first aid provided by charitable organizations. We would see hundreds of patients daily, children and adults, who have been so trapped in poverty that any kind of treatment was a godsend. My task was to decide which of these victims had severe enough inflictions that they should be referred back to the hospital. These were very trying days, yet we were all very much aware of the need to stay calm and focused and not let ourselves become overwhelmed by the enormity of the situation. It was challenging work but ultimately very satisfying.
I am now at a stage in my life where I can look back at what I have done and be proud of my accomplishments. I can also look forward and see what I still have to accomplish. I want to become a successful interventional cardiologist with deep involvement in practical research that will bring real technological advancement to this field. On a personal level, it has always been my hope that I can give back these skills which I have learned to those communities less privileged. These are the goals to which I aspire, and these are the dreams which drive me to succeed.