It was my first break since I entered medical school, and I was on the train from Shanghai to my hometown. The train was full of people going home from the Spring Festival. I was relaxed, comfortable, and happy. Suddenly, I heard an announcement over the train’s speaker system. “Emergency medical services are needed urgently. If you are a physician or nurse, please come to help.” I stood up instantly, to my own surprise. I felt the obligation to help, but I was very apprehensive, not knowing if I would be able to do so. I had just finished my first semester in medical school.
My medical knowledge was rudimentary, but the sense of responsibility overcame my nerves, and so I went to see if I could help. I was directed to the patient to find another physician who was already with her. The patient was a young lady in her twenties; she had severe abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. After obtaining some history, the physician decided that these might be the symptoms of a miscarriage. Then he asked the patient to lie down, relax and breathe deeply. I stood there anxiously, not knowing what to do. He noticed my edginess, smiled, and asked me if I would try to contact the medical emergency services in the next city on the train’s route. I did so, and the patient was soon on her way to the hospital. I don’t know whether that lady lost her baby or not. Many years have passed, but once in a while, I still think of this experience. I wasn’t able to help that patient a lot, but from that moment I found myself beside the patient, I understood how significant the presence of a caring physician could be. I want to be a physician who is confident in providing care in any circumstances, knowing that I am always ready and able to help. This experience also fired a passionate interest in obstetrics and gynecology that continues.
It has been some years since I worked with patients, though this was not by choice. I have worked primarily on research and in Pharmacy and have enjoyed and excelled in both areas. However, I now want very much to prepare myself to treat patients directly, as an Ob/Gyn specialist.
I completed my residency at the Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fudan University, and I loved the experience. After moving to the US, my choices were limited, and I turned to my other great interest, research. In China, I saw children born with severe defects due to inappropriate medication or alcohol abuse and found this heart-rending. My own nephew was born with a significant developmental brain disorder, and so I have personal experience of the suffering involved. Consequently, I have developed a great interest in preventative medicine and want to ensure that my future patients are appropriately educated for their own sake and that of their babies.
Some of my research is related to Ob/Gyn. During my time at Fudan, I studied the relationship between estrogen and ovarian cancer. I discovered that different dosages had diverse impacts on the proliferation of ovarian cancer cells. The findings were published in Chinese national journals. My first project in the US was to conduct molecular biology research on a novel tumor suppressor gene that may be related to impaired mammary gland development and lactation. To develop my career in clinical research and extend my skills in conducting clinical trials, I took up a place at Yale School of Public Health to study statistics, epidemiology, health services research methodology, and management. I believe that now we have reached the stage of ‘Evidence-based Medicine’, my own background and interests will be of significant value in the specialty.
I am a naturally cheerful and friendly person, and I have often been complimented on my calm, even-tempered character in the face of complex events or people; in fact, one colleague used to say when a stressful situation arose, “If only we could clone you!” Pharmacists need to have an eye for detail, be diligent, and exercise great care in their work, and I fulfilled these requirements entirely. My successful research work will confirm that I am a good ‘team player with excellent observational and analytical skills who can formulate plans and organize well. I believe that all my experiences, skills, and characteristics will enable me to become a significant asset to the residency program and an excellent ob/GYN specialist.
I am aware of the need for cultural sensitivity in medicine generally and in this specialty in particular. Having ‘bridged’ two cultures myself and faced the challenges involved, I feel that I am exceptionally able to empathize with those who come from other cultures. I have happily worked and socialized with people from many cultural and social backgrounds and look forward to widening this experience in the program and in my future work.
I know that there will be many well-qualified applicants for a residency in this famous specialty. However, I do believe that I am an excellent candidate. I am a highly experienced and skilled researcher and have undertaken research directly related to the specialty and I have the characteristics to enable me to become an excellent, empathetic and effective practitioner. My main recommendation is a long-held love for this specialty and an ambition to pursue it.