Being born into a family that has always encouraged utilizing our inherent gifts, I have succeeded in every academic venture I have undertaken, becoming the first doctor in our family's recent past. I have adopted my parent's standards of how to conduct myself in life, to be disciplined, and to work hard at everything I undertake. I have an inquisitive nature, enjoying challenges and mysteries. I resolved to take on the intellectual challenges medicine offered and dedicate my life to the pursuit of medicine. Combined with this is how impressed I have been with the compassionate and selfless service of the physicians I've seen in my homeland of Saudi Arabia. Their work has been inspirational for me and, indeed, where my passion lies.
By entering the field of medicine has been fueled by a tragic past. Witnessing the loss of my grandfather to lung cancer, and the mother of my child contracting breast cancer has hardened my resolve to become a Surgeon that focuses on candidates for Surgical Oncology. This is where I will make a difference for the benefit of society.
During my four years at medical school, I absorbed everything I could about the human body, and how it works, and my studies led smoothly into my internship, a yearlong program of rotations that exposed me to many specialties. I applied classroom theory to the cases I was presented with and felt a sense of pride and accomplishment with every patient I treated. I took the trust my patients and their families have in my skills and understanding seriously, taking on the responsibility, and feeling compelled to be even more conscientious. I was developing myself as a professional doctor. Each new challenge taught me more skills, sharpening my existing abilities, and confidently awaiting the next challenge.
Through my clinical rotations, education, and in-depth conversations with skilled surgeons, I have come to appreciate the importance of training surgeons who sub-specialize in Surgical Oncology. I intend to provide sound evidence supported by a body of clinical trials to prove that outcomes in surgical cancer care are positively correlated to the volume of surgeries performed. While this may seem logical, if not obvious, I firmly believe that the more cancer cases one treats, the more proficient one becomes, thereby increasing the survival rate of their patients; it is what I will do.
In addition to my clinical rotations, I give back to the community. I have worked as a Research Assistant with a local community department that works with teens that are recovering from, at-risk, or involved with the abuse of drugs and controlled substances. I consider this work to be a valuable contribution to the community, which has provided me with many rich and varied experiences and opportunities. The future members of my community, the teens, need the same chance to make their lives fruitful and healthy.
Personally, I believe I have a high level of cultural competency. I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia, speak two languages competently, have an extensive international education, and have traveled to many different countries, both in the developed world and the developing world. I feel that this will aid me tremendously as I work with diverse patients and other medical professionals.
To achieve my goal of becoming a Surgeon, I need to be exposed to a quality facility that will aid in the further development of my existing clinical skills, while increasing my professional experiences. The prospect of a residency assignment in General Surgery is fascinating to me. This is my field, where I feel fulfilled and aim to leave my mark in. I take advantage of opportunities whenever they present themselves. I am intent on filling my time, my life, with being the best Surgeon, promoter of healthy lifestyle choices, and researcher.